And hauney thats not the half of it!!! Kipp is home and yesterday was an emotional day. Saying good bye to a wonderful 4 years with good friends and a pretty great life sequestered in a frat house. Now comes the real world for him. He must do his internship do an oral and written on it and have passed all his exams from last week and if all is good he can walk in Dec.
Its good to have him home but I know his heart is heavy as no time will ever be like this for him again. He knows this. I told him he will have other good experiences and will mature and find different things that bring him just as much joy and comardarie. Tomorrow can always be better and alot of that has to do with your heart and attitude. Plus we live pretty darn close to the beach so those boys will be here off and on.
Thank goodness he starts work tomorrow to keep him busy. We go shopping today for some appropriate clothes and there will a massive eye rolling competition. While he's sleeping I'm warming up those muscles and practicing my mantra, "are you kidding me" "heck no" and "I'm not paying that much for those ugly shoes" and of course the one thing I say most of all when he's home, "you just ate, here's my last bit of $"
Hahahaha look at Henry in these pics he has lost his mind!!! Archie being the puppy got the heck outta dodge and is in his crate all confused by all the STUFF all over. Not Henry man he is sniffing and if a dog can smile Henry is grinning ear to ear. He is loving that dirty clothes mixed with clean mixed with bedding that probably hadnt been washed in a month or so. Its like a fine cigar to him.
So anyway life goes on and memories are made. Its good to have him home and I know this won't last and he'll be on his own for good in no time at all and that will really be bittersweet but it is the goal of parents right?. Sleep sweet son cause this morn. at 10am I'm waking you up to start your busy day.