We stopped of at The Main Street Gallery in Clayton Ga, to drop off some of my work and see the wonderful art that is there. They allow dogs in the gallery so Henry got to visit too.
Once we got to Gatlinburg we spent the day setting up the cabin and going antiquing and stopped off at a great primitive shop called Rebecca's Thyme which has work in it by TDIPT's Starla of Briar Rabbit Primitives. My family was blessed to meet her and her husband Tony. They came up to the cabin to eat dinner and visit. Tony had some great stories (Popcorn Sutton)and they just are the nicest people. It was a privilage to meet them!!!! Oh and she brought me a precious bear she made that comemerates The Smokies 75th anniversary. I love it!!!! Oh and a bracelet from Bracelets for Bullies, which helps Pit Bulls. They didn't forget Henry either(see pic). I appologize for the blurry pic of Starla and I but it was the best one we had.
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