Nostalgic Folk Art was born in 2004. I came up with Nostalgic Folk Art name for my paper mache figures because I love the older things that remind me of my childhood and of innocent times. They are figures of folks both childish and impish and I love vintage folk art so putting nostalgic with folk art was/is a perfect and fitting name for my lil figures and business. I feel so blessed and thankful to God for being able to make these little pieces and hope they make you smile.

Thank you for taking the time to visit!

And when your done visiting here, I'd love for you to check out my work on my etsy shop,

The Best to you always!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Good bye Sweet Willie

your now over the rainbow bridge, say hello to Fifi, Gigi, Butch, and Rev for me. I know your in the most wonderful place, patiently waiting for your loved ones. There is a most wonderful Twighlight Zone episode, an old black and white one, where a man dies and sees his dog on a country road, along the way there is a young man by a gate with a wonderful background and he urges the old man to come his way, with all good things, however the man's dog doesnt like the man and after much urging, the man follows his dog thru the harder narrow path. turns out the nice young man was the devil. til the end the dog loved his owner and his owner trusted his dog beyond.   its one of my favorite episodes.   Dogs are so much more than our pets, the love we feel for them is so strong and it hurts so much when their too short lives end.

Safe travels dear Willie

Love to your family and prayers for your broken hearts.

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My First Written Review/Kinda like your first dollar, I treasure this dearly

"Carol Roll is a relative new-comer, creating folk art for four years, now. Her paper mache figures reflect significant talent. At first glance, her angels, people, mermaids, and animals may appear cute and dear. At closer look, they are sophisticated, with detailed, expressive faces, each unique. Roll's work is anything but mass produced. It's the real deal. "

Linda Knopf Southern FolkArt Magazine 2008