I know lots of talented people and i would love to blog about them all. I mean i have on occasion and since i was just lucky enough to win a really great piece on Ebay from this gal (Patty Kelly Trevino of Dogpatch Primitives), really kinda stole it. Every once in a while i scour Ebay with the TDIPT search to see if i can get one of her pieces. It is really hard to get one at my price point but i have managed a piece here and there! This is what my mom in law is getting for Easter!
Look at her detail, she has lil bells on her shoes! She always has something new in her detail!
Well as you can see i love her and asked if i could have some pics of her Easter work past and present. Here are some pics of what Patty at Dogpatch Primitives can create.
Patty can make any of these wonderful pieces and do custom work. She makes wonderful original creations and you can contact her thru her website,http://tailsfromthedogpatch.blogspot.com, http://dogpatchprimitives.blogspot.com and/or go to the TDIPT Mercantile (see button on right side of blog) and see what new piece (s) she has or any of the TDIPT girls have to offer. You'll see why TDIPT is a small boutique sized Mercantile where you can see the difference in technique and quality and i believe sets the standards in the online folk art boutiques/shops/stores/supercenters. And Patty of Dogpatch Primitives is a perfect example of that quality.
Also we are celebrating our 4th year so check out the blog and sign up for the posibility for a prize from one of our great gals.