ok now I'm smiling thinking about seeing my 2 best buds from school. Lori Leatherwood Dopsloff and Suzie Boudreau Cornwall. I've known them since we were all 12. Lori is the other gal I was introduced with the first day of 7th grade as the new girls by the admin. (mentioned in a previous blog)
Anyway I only went to have fun with these gals as never kept in touch with anyone and mostly hung out with my boyfriend at the time and/or Lori and Suzie. But ended up enjoying seeing lots of schoolmates and had a nice time. Glad I went.
so they came over here first for a drink and nibbles before heading off. Suzie's husband Tim went and Dan was grateful for that! No picks of them showed up!!!!!
Lori is the beautiful blonde and Suzie is the beautiful tall brunette.
Lori and I at my home before Suzie and Tim got here.
Suzie sorry this pic is so dark!
Me,Lori and Suzie Lindsey! Lindsey was a huge part of my high school years.She looks fantastic! She was a trooper and along with Suzie Boudreau one of the funniest gals around! Thanks Suzie and hope you visit me when your in town. She now lives in CA. with an adorable lil boy.
Abbie Davis in background and Tanya Williams next to me! Abbie and I had some classes at Daytona State College long time ago!
Now getting annoyed as no pic with Valenthia Van Meter, yes even the name is one of a superstar. She is still as gorgeous as she always was. She is one of those people that just have it, whatever it is and should of been famous for something.
At least these couple of pics came thru as I truly love Lori and Suzie like family and they stuck with me through all the highs (literally hee hee just kidding)and lows of tramatic youth, love, mean girls, first jobs, first cars, bathing suits (very tramatic), skipping school, sneaking into clubs,and things that cannot be mentioned even under torture!
We still keep in touch Lori is in Naples and Suzie here in town. And by the way a big hello to Gordon and man did I miss not seeing Bonchi the other night!
The next one i'll head to if still around would be the 50th but this left me with really good memories and maybe i'll just leave it at that.