That was the best pic I could get of them romping around as they are soooooo fast!
Yesterday was Tee's birthday and I'm glad she was recovered and well (giggle) enough to bring the kids by for a visit.
Look at all those tongues!
It is a beautiful cool and breezy day, just perfect for a bunch of terriers to be out and running. Too bad no pics as they all turned out blurry but it was joy for Tee and I to watch.
Here Gracie is getting to know lil Archie, but he is definitely in clear and present danger hee hee. Boston's are known for having digestive issues. Part of their charm.
Archie held his own after a while and soon joined in on whatever it was that was so danged interesting by the half dead pine tree.
Here's Tee trying to get them all to sit for a photo, Henry and Archie are unaware of that or any command. It was futile but fun to watch!
Tee and her beloved Guiness, who is really a big sweetheart!
Archie has a new friend in Tee!
Say Good Bye Henry
Hope everyone has a wonderful tuesday and since the boys are sleeping I'm getting back to work!